Oooppsss!! I totally forgotten about week one! Self portrait part two!
So here is my post about my very first class of 2D design! The first class was just like the First class of P.O.D a self portrait assignment, but this time it was different instead of drawing our self portrait we hard to go around campus and use items that we can find or buy and use it as our self portrait.
Unfortunately i don't have a picture of mine but i will describe it to you with words and picture from the internet. For mine self portrait I used an umbrella, a few strings, paper and a dozen of stones. Its almost looks like this:
I took the umbrella and opened it up then use paper and made a paper box and stuck it to the handle of the umbrella, after that I tied the string to the ends of the umbrella and stuck it to the paper box, and lastly I just throw the stones into the paper box. There you have it my not so self portrait.
Well your probably wondering that doesn't look like me at all! Let me explain to you why I say it's my self portrait. This self portrait tell you more about me as a person not how i look like. The umbrella represents me, and the box and stone are my life and my problem. It says that I always keep the problems to myself and don't really like to share it with other people but also that I wont go down without a fight. The umbrella acts like a resistance again the world from pulling me down. Meaning I don't go down without a fight!! :D
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