Sunday, 29 September 2013

What is your box??



----------------------------------------------------------------- For this assignment we had to think out of the box.                     

We have to cut out 2 squares from 2 different pieces of colour papers. After that design a symmetrical and a asymmetrical out of the box artwork. When I say out of the box I mean literally out of the box. After designing we hard to cut out our design and paste it on a A3 mounting board both the cut out and the left over. NO PAPER IS TO BE THROWN AWAY! Its better if I show you what I mean because its very hard to explain with words, and a picture do speak a thousand words.

My theme for this assignment was TYPOGRAPHY and due to my hand bring injured. I decided to just go with more straight lines to make the assignment do able. Enjoy! :D

some of the work my friends did!

Unfortunately Miss Lisa is stuck in A very bad jam so we didn't present today... :(

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Progress report on the lanterns!! 

This week we have been focusing on making the 150 lanterns for the floating exhibition!!

Here are some picture of what we are doing!

the group that is cutting the base of the lanterns!!


the group that are cutting the borders of the lanterns! :D


There isn't much to say cause all we did was cut cut and cut! :D After a long day of cutting we made 110 lanterns and decided it was enough already. Besides that we maybe planning to doing a huge ass lantern!! More updates coming soon!!

Saturday, 7 September 2013

The start of a new semester!!

We as a class just got a new huge project! Our task is to make a huge floating exhibition  made of our own art work! We as a class sat down to brain storm and got a lot of cool ideas like The 7 Wonders of The World, Jurassic Park, Mythical Creatures and many more.

After all the discussion and getting advise from Miss Lisa we changed the idea to a more Malaysian theme cause for Medeka and Malaysian day. Our finally idea is to make a huge Malaysia flag with our paintings. The 350 floating artworks will be all tied together in a shape of a flag, ratio 2-1. From a far it will looks like the Malaysian flag but when its viewed closely the painting all has its own style texture and design. 
Besides the paints there will also be 150 lanterns floating around the flag. During the night the lanterns will all light up. All the lanterns has its own design on it as well. We all split into 4 groups consisting of Malay, Chinese, Indian and Minorities. Each group creates as much stencils as possible for the design of the lanterns using the main theme they were assigned to.