Saturday, 6 April 2013


Warm colors! What are warm colors? They are based on colors like yellow, orange, brown and red.

  An example will be like this picture : 

Cold colors are like the color that make u feel cold. Colors like blues, greens, pink, purple.

An example will be:

 Stability, colors that shows stability are grey, dark blue, dark brown and dark green. Mostly dark colors shows the sense of stability.

An example will be :

Royalty! Which colors show royalty u may ask? Well royalty can be represented by the color Purple or Gold

 Cleanliness! It's obvious that white is the color that represent cleanliness!

Example of cleanliness is: 

FRESHNESS! Yellow color is the color that represent freshness! 

Example of freshness is : 

JOY!!!!!!!!! RED, YELLOW, ORANGE! all the warm colors are colors of job :D

Example of joy is :

Danger! Danger! the first color that comes to mine is RED! The color of the devil! 

Example of danger is : 

Friday, 5 April 2013

Assignment on colours! :D


HUE: The main properties of a color that ranging from red, yellow, green and blue which are determine by the wavelength of the light.


VALVE: The lightness and darkness of a color. 


SATURATION: The brightness and dullness of the color.


SECONDARY COLOR:  Secondary colors are made by mixing two equal parts of primary colors together.


TERTIARY COLORS: Tertiary colors are made by mixing all three primary colors together or mixing a primary color with a secondary color. 


COMPLEMENTARY COLORS: Colors that are on the opposite end of the color wheel which make both the colors stand out more.


ANALOGOUS COLOR: Colors that are next to one another on the color wheel that work well together.


TINT: Tint is when a color is mix with white color to make the color lighter.


SHADE: Shading is when a color is mix with black to make the color darker.


Neutral color: When two complementary colors are combined together. The color will be neither warm nor cool.
