Warm colors! What are warm colors? They are based on colors like yellow, orange, brown and red.
An example will be like this picture :
Cold colors are like the color that make u feel cold. Colors like blues, greens, pink, purple.
An example will be:
Stability, colors that shows stability are grey, dark blue, dark brown and dark green. Mostly dark colors shows the sense of stability.
An example will be :
Royalty! Which colors show royalty u may ask? Well royalty can be represented by the color Purple or Gold
Cleanliness! It's obvious that white is the color that represent cleanliness!
FRESHNESS! Yellow color is the color that represent freshness!
Example of freshness is :
JOY!!!!!!!!! RED, YELLOW, ORANGE! all the warm colors are colors of job :D
Example of joy is :
Danger! Danger! the first color that comes to mine is RED! The color of the devil!
Example of danger is :